Dr. DeVita shares her experiences and why she wrote Her book : 'Vibrational Cleaning'
Dr. Sabina De Vita completed her doctoral dissertation on brain allergies and its implications in psychological and emotional symptoms. She specifically researched the negative effects of chemicals, foods and pollutants on the brain, which has shown to cause many psycho-pathological disturbances, not normally addressed by doctors or therapists.
Many names have been given over the last 25 years to what people are experiencing with brain reactions. Some of these are:
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), Clinical Ecology, Environmental Illness, Brain Fog or 20th Century Disease. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms listed below are mis-diagnosed and labeled as a modern day disease - with Depression being one of the more common brain allergic reactions!!!!
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities or MCS affects people of all ages - children and adults alike. We are exposed to more toxicity in one day than our grandparents were exposed to in an entire lifetime.
Back in the 1980's, Dr. Philpot, a psychiatrist, author, and researcher discovered that many people who were suffering from mental or psychiatric disorders were in fact experiencing brain allergic reactions - but not the traditional type of allergic reactions. Thus these symptoms were not recognized as a reaction to a food or chemical and these people were incorrectly diagnosed.
Some Brain Findings about Brain Allergies that Dr. Philpott identified:
1. The brain is the only organ in the body which cannot control cell wall permeability, making it far more susceptible to allergic toxins than any other component of the body.
2. That the brain has blips, several times a day, which results in moments of blankness. Some of us occasionally experience this as the inability to discover the right word or remember a name.
If the brain is exposed to allergic toxins, the frequency of these blips increases substantially, and it may appear that allergy sufferers have epileptic-like seizures, or are “zoning” out- or has 'dementia'. The numbers of 'dementia' type sufferers continues to grow- in fact, in has become a number one concern.
3. That the brain often deals with components in food to which it is allergic or sensitive, by sending them to storage instead of burning them for fuel, creating a larger than normal fat store - something which may account for at least part of the increase in obesity, especially among children.
The common symptoms related to brain reactions are listed below.....
Here is a quick way to check yourself.
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?
If so, then you could be suffering from environmental illness - and /or food sensitivities. Environmental factors like inhalants, chemicals, perfumes, cleaners, soaps, chlorine, drugs, food, water and air pollution can cause these symptoms, as well as, a wide variety of other physical, mental and emotional symptoms.
Many hidden substances, can affect your brain and nervous system producing psychiatric or emotional disturbances often referred to as 'brain allergies'.
People today are continually bombarded by environmental contaminants (smoke, mold, gas fumes, material off-gassing etc). These along with poor nutrition, stress, candidiasis, viruses, parasites, and /or a chemical toxic overload have created a phenomenon called "Environmental Illness" that leads to people reacting adversely to everyday substances.
During the consult, specific suggestions are given to help manage this complex problem.
One of the biggest keys is Nutritional and supplemental support, along with changing to an environmentally-clean, chemical-free lifestyle. Dr. De Vita will guide you as to what to do with her 'break-through ' books, advice and alternative ways to use essential oils for an allergy-free and chemical-free home.
Many names have been given over the last 25 years to what people are experiencing with brain reactions. Some of these are:
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), Clinical Ecology, Environmental Illness, Brain Fog or 20th Century Disease. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms listed below are mis-diagnosed and labeled as a modern day disease - with Depression being one of the more common brain allergic reactions!!!!
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities or MCS affects people of all ages - children and adults alike. We are exposed to more toxicity in one day than our grandparents were exposed to in an entire lifetime.
Back in the 1980's, Dr. Philpot, a psychiatrist, author, and researcher discovered that many people who were suffering from mental or psychiatric disorders were in fact experiencing brain allergic reactions - but not the traditional type of allergic reactions. Thus these symptoms were not recognized as a reaction to a food or chemical and these people were incorrectly diagnosed.
Some Brain Findings about Brain Allergies that Dr. Philpott identified:
1. The brain is the only organ in the body which cannot control cell wall permeability, making it far more susceptible to allergic toxins than any other component of the body.
2. That the brain has blips, several times a day, which results in moments of blankness. Some of us occasionally experience this as the inability to discover the right word or remember a name.
If the brain is exposed to allergic toxins, the frequency of these blips increases substantially, and it may appear that allergy sufferers have epileptic-like seizures, or are “zoning” out- or has 'dementia'. The numbers of 'dementia' type sufferers continues to grow- in fact, in has become a number one concern.
3. That the brain often deals with components in food to which it is allergic or sensitive, by sending them to storage instead of burning them for fuel, creating a larger than normal fat store - something which may account for at least part of the increase in obesity, especially among children.
The common symptoms related to brain reactions are listed below.....
Here is a quick way to check yourself.
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?
- Irritability
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Food Cravings
- Anxieties
- Easily angered or frustrated
- Mood Swings
- Emotional Disorders
- Hay Fever
- Behavioral Disorders
- Belching or rectal gas after eating. (What you taste is a suspect clue)
- Bad breath (This is often due to milk, eggs or wheat)
- Dark black, blue or red eye circles
- Bags under the eyes
- Dry, cracked lips
- Red rash around mouth
- Bloating shortly after eating
If so, then you could be suffering from environmental illness - and /or food sensitivities. Environmental factors like inhalants, chemicals, perfumes, cleaners, soaps, chlorine, drugs, food, water and air pollution can cause these symptoms, as well as, a wide variety of other physical, mental and emotional symptoms.
Many hidden substances, can affect your brain and nervous system producing psychiatric or emotional disturbances often referred to as 'brain allergies'.
People today are continually bombarded by environmental contaminants (smoke, mold, gas fumes, material off-gassing etc). These along with poor nutrition, stress, candidiasis, viruses, parasites, and /or a chemical toxic overload have created a phenomenon called "Environmental Illness" that leads to people reacting adversely to everyday substances.
During the consult, specific suggestions are given to help manage this complex problem.
One of the biggest keys is Nutritional and supplemental support, along with changing to an environmentally-clean, chemical-free lifestyle. Dr. De Vita will guide you as to what to do with her 'break-through ' books, advice and alternative ways to use essential oils for an allergy-free and chemical-free home.
Interview on Vibrational Cleaning Book
Brain Health
Starts with your food intake
Please note: The information contained on these pages are for educational and informational purposes. Please seek your medical advisor for medical issues or conditions.
Please Note: None of the information contained or referred to herein should be considered to offer medical advice, which should only be obtained from a qualified health medical care practitioner. Personal Services or information provided by the DeVita Energy Wellness Institute or the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies Inc. are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness.
Please Note: None of the information contained or referred to herein should be considered to offer medical advice, which should only be obtained from a qualified health medical care practitioner. Personal Services or information provided by the DeVita Energy Wellness Institute or the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies Inc. are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness.