Bio-Well. It is a revolutionary, non-intrusive way to measure the human energy field using a specialized camera and software system. Now you can see your energy self and your chakras and more..........
Bio-Well has been developed for today's internet market in a more accessible way than ever before. The product consists of a desktop camera and accompanying software, which allows a user to quickly and easily conduct human energy scans. Accessory attachments are also available for purchase to conduct Environment and BioClip scans.
For more information about this unique technology by the well-renowned bio-physicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
- visit here
For more information about this unique technology by the well-renowned bio-physicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
- visit here
Kirlian Photography was discovered in Russia in 1939. The technique used pulsed high voltage frequencies and electron cascades to take pictures of the usually invisible, electromagnetic energy fields or 'aura' that surrounds everything from humans to inanimate objects. This field is represented by a series of layered colours surrounding the body that are said to represent your physical and emotional states of health.
Research conducted over the last 20 years by Prof. Korotkov and his team has confirmed beyond doubt, that recording the bio-energy field distribution from the electro-photographic emission of the fingertips provides a very comprehensive image of the function of the entire mind-body system. Dr. Korotkov, a highly regarded international scientist, developed a new instrument - solid-state Computerized Gas Discharge Visualization camera - based on the well-known Kirlian Effect. The GDV instrument creates a high intensity electric field around the object that is set on the plate of the instrument. The electric field produces a visible gas discharge flow around the object (a Kirlian picture). The image is transferred to a PC computer in real time using built in video techniques and modern electronics. This aura-imaging technique is especially useful to show changes in the subtle energy distribution around the human body before and after any experience.
Research conducted over the last 20 years by Prof. Korotkov and his team has confirmed beyond doubt, that recording the bio-energy field distribution from the electro-photographic emission of the fingertips provides a very comprehensive image of the function of the entire mind-body system. Dr. Korotkov, a highly regarded international scientist, developed a new instrument - solid-state Computerized Gas Discharge Visualization camera - based on the well-known Kirlian Effect. The GDV instrument creates a high intensity electric field around the object that is set on the plate of the instrument. The electric field produces a visible gas discharge flow around the object (a Kirlian picture). The image is transferred to a PC computer in real time using built in video techniques and modern electronics. This aura-imaging technique is especially useful to show changes in the subtle energy distribution around the human body before and after any experience.
General Principles of GDV

BEO GDV analysis of human health, psychology and well-being is based on studying information derived from BEO-grams of individual's fingers and, in some cases, toes. This idea was first suggested by Dr. Peter Mandel in 1986 who developed a sophisticated system of diagnostics using Kirlian photography. In this case, Kirlian photographs of both hands and feet were taken simultaneously. Dr. Mandel is an extremely talented person. He has developed a set of treatment programs based on this information and together with his colleagues offers them in healing centres in Germany, Switzerland and Italy.
His achievements have attracted a lot of attention. For example, an Australian journalist was so impressed with Dr. Mandel, that he published a book about his techniques and outstanding personality. Dr. Mandel's system combines Energy Emission Analysis, Colorpuncture, Acu-Impulse therapy, Induction therapy and
Color-Sound therapy combined by the idea of the Esogetic Model of human functioning. This is a powerful empirical approach, based on thousands of patients.
Dr. Korotkov's approach to diagnosis is quite different from Dr. Mandel's, however; the two systems may be complementary to one another. After studying Dr. Mandel's book at the end of the 80 'ies, Dr. Korotkov spent a great deal of time in clinics and hospitals comparing Kirlian photos of patients with their confirmed diagnosis. After this, he created his own diagnostic charts and a way of categorizing patients into groups. In 1995, he was able to carry this work forward to a higher level establishing the foundation for a truly scientific stage in Kirlian diagnostics with the introduction of GDV Bioelectrography. This technology is entirely based on modern scientific paradigms.
Using a special electrode system the approach creates a high intensity electric field around an object that produces a gas discharge with a glow that can be seen and measured. The discharge appears independently of the nature of the object, consequently with experimental experience one can cause virtually any object to glow. This could be a nail, a stone or a plant; any biological essence adds its own unique aspect to this glow, changing its brightness, size, and color.
The discharge reveals the features of an object that cannot be determined by other techniques. Moreover, any small changes that occur can be tracked like electrical properties, emission characteristics, gas evaporation, and energy exchange with the environment - all these parameters of the object contribute to its glow. After careful analysis, all attempts to assign or relate this glow to other factors such as sweating or conductivity alone have proven incorrect. For example, with complex objects it is possible to determine the influence of different factors such as medicine, type of food, environment, etc. The method reveals complex reaction of an organism to
different influences.
To analyze the human psycho-physiological condition, two main analytical approaches are applied: parametric and sector. The parametric approach was based on the calculation of BEO-gram parameter, factor and correlation analysis, although today, the GDV software calculates more than 30 parameters. Complex analysis usually allows for results of both GDV measurements and other types of measurements including psychological, physiological, and bioelectrographic. The main groups of parameters that are considered are geometrical, brightness,
density, fractal, probability and entropy parameters.
Sector diagnostics is based on a diagnostic table, connecting glow characteristics of separate zones of fingers with the functional state of body zones. The idea of such connection was first proposed by Dr. Mandel. The diagnostic table is based on the concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, micro-acupuncture systems and empirical experience. The analysis suggests using notions on Chakras and Ayurvedic medicine. Basing on 10-fingers, BEO-grams and the diagnostic table, the model of field distribution around a human body is built in the GDV software. Independent clinical observations in different countries validated the GDV-technique and, in particular, the model of field distribution - aura.
The method of GDV Bioelectrography is a practical application and a touchstone of the new approach. Although gas discharge images fluctuate, they are still probabilistic-ally reproducible. They represent natural application of non-linear mathematics. However, conclusions, made using these methods, should be absolutely concrete and should carry clear information on a biological object's state.
More details about the latest developments and interviews with Dr. Konstantin Korotkov can be seen at this site.
Contact us for further details for an appointment.
His achievements have attracted a lot of attention. For example, an Australian journalist was so impressed with Dr. Mandel, that he published a book about his techniques and outstanding personality. Dr. Mandel's system combines Energy Emission Analysis, Colorpuncture, Acu-Impulse therapy, Induction therapy and
Color-Sound therapy combined by the idea of the Esogetic Model of human functioning. This is a powerful empirical approach, based on thousands of patients.
Dr. Korotkov's approach to diagnosis is quite different from Dr. Mandel's, however; the two systems may be complementary to one another. After studying Dr. Mandel's book at the end of the 80 'ies, Dr. Korotkov spent a great deal of time in clinics and hospitals comparing Kirlian photos of patients with their confirmed diagnosis. After this, he created his own diagnostic charts and a way of categorizing patients into groups. In 1995, he was able to carry this work forward to a higher level establishing the foundation for a truly scientific stage in Kirlian diagnostics with the introduction of GDV Bioelectrography. This technology is entirely based on modern scientific paradigms.
Using a special electrode system the approach creates a high intensity electric field around an object that produces a gas discharge with a glow that can be seen and measured. The discharge appears independently of the nature of the object, consequently with experimental experience one can cause virtually any object to glow. This could be a nail, a stone or a plant; any biological essence adds its own unique aspect to this glow, changing its brightness, size, and color.
The discharge reveals the features of an object that cannot be determined by other techniques. Moreover, any small changes that occur can be tracked like electrical properties, emission characteristics, gas evaporation, and energy exchange with the environment - all these parameters of the object contribute to its glow. After careful analysis, all attempts to assign or relate this glow to other factors such as sweating or conductivity alone have proven incorrect. For example, with complex objects it is possible to determine the influence of different factors such as medicine, type of food, environment, etc. The method reveals complex reaction of an organism to
different influences.
To analyze the human psycho-physiological condition, two main analytical approaches are applied: parametric and sector. The parametric approach was based on the calculation of BEO-gram parameter, factor and correlation analysis, although today, the GDV software calculates more than 30 parameters. Complex analysis usually allows for results of both GDV measurements and other types of measurements including psychological, physiological, and bioelectrographic. The main groups of parameters that are considered are geometrical, brightness,
density, fractal, probability and entropy parameters.
Sector diagnostics is based on a diagnostic table, connecting glow characteristics of separate zones of fingers with the functional state of body zones. The idea of such connection was first proposed by Dr. Mandel. The diagnostic table is based on the concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, micro-acupuncture systems and empirical experience. The analysis suggests using notions on Chakras and Ayurvedic medicine. Basing on 10-fingers, BEO-grams and the diagnostic table, the model of field distribution around a human body is built in the GDV software. Independent clinical observations in different countries validated the GDV-technique and, in particular, the model of field distribution - aura.
The method of GDV Bioelectrography is a practical application and a touchstone of the new approach. Although gas discharge images fluctuate, they are still probabilistic-ally reproducible. They represent natural application of non-linear mathematics. However, conclusions, made using these methods, should be absolutely concrete and should carry clear information on a biological object's state.
More details about the latest developments and interviews with Dr. Konstantin Korotkov can be seen at this site.
Contact us for further details for an appointment.
Very intriguing research by Dr. K. Korotkov
Energy Field

All disease originates in consciousness. Many ancient cultures and philosophies speak about seven subtle bodies or realms of consciousness that
manifest in and around the physical body. The magnetic and electric emanations of these subtle bodies of consciousness form the human aura.
Earlier research proved that all living organisms are surrounded by a subtle energy field. More importantly, the growth or program of every organism is influenced by the electrical field that surrounds it. Illness can appear in the energy field weeks and even months before it appears in the body. In other words, the energy field is a cosmic blueprint.
Physicist Tiller, says that the thoughts that one creates generate patterns at the mind level of nature. Illness eventually becomes manifest from the altered mind patterns through the rachet effect - first to the etheric level and then to the physical level, as disease. Many unconsciously imagine illness much before it manifests in the physical. Tiller believes that disease recurs, because only the physical level is treated. If the energy field were treated as well, there would be lasting cures.
Further to this, Dr. DeVita recommends the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know". It is now available on DVD and more elaborately demonstrates this quantum reality.
For further information about Dr. Tiller, go to www.tiller.org.
Video Below outlines - a brief explanation of what is involved in taking a GDV Kirlian picture.
This was videotaped during a health expo show in 2011 and the information is still relevant today.
-DeVita Sabina: Essential oils and Bio-geometry
Presentation at the International Scientific Congress in Russia
Kirlian - GDV with Dr. Korotkov
Dr. Korotkov demonstrated Kirlian technology on the Irish Late Late Show.
If interested to buy this acclaimed GDV Kirlian/Bio-Well camera for your practice, please contact us or please visit the
b-well.net site this site
Watch Video below: The Late Late Show
Please note:
The information contained on these pages are for educational and informational purposes. Please seek your medical advisor for medical issues or conditions.
Please Note:
None of the information contained or referred to herein should be considered to offer medical advice, which should only be obtained from a qualified health medical care practitioner. Personal Services or information provided by the DeVita Energy Wellness Institute or the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies Inc. are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness.
The information contained on these pages are for educational and informational purposes. Please seek your medical advisor for medical issues or conditions.
Please Note:
None of the information contained or referred to herein should be considered to offer medical advice, which should only be obtained from a qualified health medical care practitioner. Personal Services or information provided by the DeVita Energy Wellness Institute or the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies Inc. are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness.